Sonder Psychotherapy & Wellness is proud to offer EMDR therapy in Tomball, Texas. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Processing. It is a psychotherapy technique that was originally created “to lessen the distress associated with traumatic memories” and helps to restore mental health, according to the EMDR Institute.
Through eye movement and desensitization, EMDR facilitates access to and processing of traumatic experiences and memories, according to its underlying theory. EMDR is the belief that the mind can recover from psychological trauma and injury in the same way that the body can recover from physical trauma and injury.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]The eight-step procedure of EMDR therapy is as follows:
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_toggle title=”History Taking” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”2px” border_color_bottom=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”]This is individualized for each client and therapist. In session, EMDR therapists and clients will determine the most advantageous mental health issue to target with EMDR therapy before developing a treatment plan.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Prep” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”2px” border_color_bottom=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”]In this phase, the therapist ensures that the person receiving EMDR treatment is equipped to manage emotional distress. Techniques for stress reduction will be taught both during and between therapy sessions.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Assessment” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”2px” border_color_bottom=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”]In this phase, the therapist and client will identify the processing’s targeted objective. Once a goal has been determined, clients will select the visual imagery they believe best depicts the memory. The therapist and client will next address the aspects of the memory and imagery that are associated with either a negative cognition (“I am worthless”) or a positive cognition (“I am valuable”). The client will then rate how true these cognitions feel on a range of 1 to 7, how unsettling the target is on a scale of 0 to 10, and describe what their body has been experiencing/feeling throughout this phase.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Desensitization” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”2px” border_color_bottom=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”]In contrast to the previous three phases, clients do not speak with their therapist during desensitization. The clients will continue to move their eyes back and forth while receiving various simulations, such as light taps or auditory tones. The 0-10 scale will once again be used by clients to determine disruption levels.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Installation” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”2px” border_color_bottom=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”]This phase is named “installation” because it involves “installing” good cognitions where negative cognitions are now present. When clients are able to honestly rank them as a 7 on the scale from step 3, with 7 indicating that they feel entirely true, they go to the next phase.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Body Scan” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”2px” border_color_bottom=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”]In this phase, clients are instructed to scan their bodies and take note of any tension present. This includes if anything about the target still feels “odd.”
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Closure” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”2px” border_color_bottom=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”]Clients return to equilibrium. A therapist may conclude a session by leading the client through self-control methods and providing an action plan for between sessions.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_toggle title=”Re-evaluation” open_toggle_text_color=”#000000″ open_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” closed_toggle_background_color=”RGBA(255,255,255,0)” _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” title_text_color=”#000000″ border_width_all=”0px” border_width_bottom=”2px” border_color_bottom=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}”]This phase begins at the start of the subsequent visit, but is considered the eighth and final phase of the eight-step EMDR treatment (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy). In this phase, the therapist will revisit the previous session’s events and reevaluate the client’s level of distress.
[/et_pb_toggle][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.19.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]EMDR was created to aid individuals suffering from PTSD, anxiety, depression, phobias, eating disorders, substance misuse, schizophrenia, sexual dysfunction, stress due to chronic illness, unpleasant experiences, and traumatic events.
Do you require assistance to process and recover from trauma and enhance your mental health? Sonder Psychotherapy & Wellness is here to help! Click here to get in contact with us today!